Thursday, October 16, 2014

Calling Out

Good 80's vibes for life. After recently seeing St. Lucia in concert, this song strikes some similarities between the two groups for me. A bit retro in sound, but both bring in a good funk with an undeniably happy mood, even though most of their tracks are full of despair/angst. I dig that kind of self-antithesis. It's kind of like, yeah, we'll point out all the shit that's going wrong right now, but we've accepted it in a self-defiant way that we can still be happy about the rest of everything in our lives and make good out of the bad. Maybe I'm looking to far into it, but few people like a whiny song full of desperation.. this is the perfect alternative. I've been all over Penguin Prison's shit since I heard "The Worse It Gets" like 4 years ago (obviously the RAC remix of it too) which epitomizes the aforementioned happy/sad self-contradictions.

Penguin Prison - Calling Out

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